Indonesia is a country rich in culture and historical heritage. Each region in Indonesia has its own uniqueness and cultural richness. However, unfortunately, some Indonesian cultures are now being neglected and disappearing from the public's view. Several factors such as globalization, modernization, and social and economic changes in Indonesia have caused some of Indonesia's traditional culture to decline. Therefore, it is important for us to preserve Indonesian culture and keep it from being lost forever.

1. Introduction
Culture is a system of values, customs, language, art, and so on that is owned by a group or society. Culture also includes ways of life, ways of dressing, food, architecture, and ways of interacting among community members. In Indonesia, there are many unique and diverse cultures. Ranging from dance, music, fine arts, traditional clothing, to special foods. However, unfortunately, some Indonesian cultures that are unique and rich in history are now starting to disappear.
2. History
Indonesia has a long and rich history of culture. Since prehistoric times, Indonesia has had many cultures and traditions that have survived to this day. Indonesian culture is colored by ethnic diversity, religion, and customs. As a vast and diverse country, Indonesia has many cultures that differ from region to region. These various cultures and traditions continue to preserve over time and are used in the daily lives of Indonesian people.
3. Types
Indonesian culture has many varieties and types. Some of them are:
- Traditional dances: Indonesia has many beautiful and unique traditional dances, such as the Kecak dance, the Pendet dance, the mask dance, the saman dance, and many more.
- Fine arts: Indonesia has unique fine arts, such as batik, woodcarving, shadow puppets, painting and sculpture.
- Traditional music: Indonesia has a wealth of traditional music, such as gamelan, angklung, keroncong, and many more.
- Traditional clothing: Each region in Indonesia has different traditional clothing, such as kebaya, baju kuning, songket, and many more.
Every Indonesian culture has different origins, depending on
where the culture comes from. For example, the kecak dance originates from
Bali, while the gamelan originates from Java. Traditional clothes such as
kebaya come from Java and Bali, while songket comes from Sumatra.
4. Cause Start Missing
Many factors cause Indonesian culture to begin to disappear. Some of them are:
- Globalization: The entry of foreign cultures into Indonesia such as Western culture and modernization has caused some Indonesian traditional cultures to be neglected and no longer popular.
- Social and economic changes: Lifestyle changes, urbanization, and economic development have made some of Indonesia's traditional cultures begin to be forgotten.
- Lack of public appreciation: Some traditional Indonesian cultures no longer receive sufficient appreciation from society and the younger generation.
5. Suggestions for Continuing Preservation
To keep Indonesian culture from disappearing, efforts are needed to preserve it. Here are some suggestions for continuing to preserve Indonesian culture:
- Education: Providing education about Indonesian culture to the younger generation, either through schools or activities related to culture.
- Preservation: Preserving Indonesian culture through various activities such as cultural festivals, art performances, and organizing cultural events.
- Utilization of technology: Utilizing modern technology such as social media and educational applications to introduce Indonesian culture to the public.
- Sustainability: Creating sustainable programs to preserve Indonesian culture, such as government programs or community organizations.
Indonesian culture is an important asset for Indonesia as a
country. However, many Indonesian cultures are starting to be neglected and
disappear from public view. Globalization, modernization, and social and
economic changes in Indonesia are some of the factors that have caused
Indonesian culture to decline. Therefore, it is important for us to continue to
preserve Indonesian culture so that it remains and does not disappear forever.
By making efforts such as education, preservation, utilization of technology,
and sustainability, we can keep Indonesian culture alive and developing.
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