Angkringan has become a popular and phenomenal eating destination in indonesia. It is a type of food and drink establishment usually found in the form of food carts with simple tents, and typically operating from late afternoon until the early hours of the morning. The concept of angkringan has different names in various regions. In Semarang it is known as warung kucing (cat stall), and in the Soloraya region it is called warung hik.
Due to its uniqueness and popularity, angkringan has become a must-visit destination for both domestic and international tourists.

If you visit Yogyakarta angkringan stalls can be easily found along footpaths or sidewalks in Yogyakarta.
The concept of selling food in this simple setting is what makes angkringan stand out and become popular to this day.
The modern take on angkringan considers it as a unique village cuisine, and the concept shares some commonalities. These include the place of business and the food or menu offerings. Angkringan stalls are typically modified carts with tents that serve as both a display area and a place for customers to enjoy their food and drinks. Customers can take their orders directly from the cart, which also functions as a table.
A Relax and Calming Ambience
Angkringan stalls are often associated with a serene atmosphere. The carts used in angkringan stalls have a distinctive feature, on the right or beside the cart, there is typically a charcoal stove used to heat water, which is accompanied by three large kettles. These kettles contain hot water, ginger, and tea.
The popular menu at angkringan stalls usually includes Nasi Kucing (cat rice), Gorengan (fried food), and various types of satay such as quail egg satay, intestine satay, and mushroom satay. They also offer traditional foods such as marinated tofu and tempeh. As for drinks, ginger ale, tea, ginger milk, iced tea, orange juice, coffee, and other beverages are available.
The concept of angkringan food stalls is widely accepted by Indonesians and some internationals tourists, which is evident from the increasing number of angkringan stalls in many areas.
The popularity of angkringan stalls can be attributed to several factors, including the easy accessibility and affordability of the food and drinks, the practicality of the angkringan concept is also a contributing factor, and the widespread availability of angkringan stalls is another reason why they are in high demand.
Angkringan stalls can be found in almost every corner of the city. They operate from late afternoon until the early hours of the morning, providing an alternative dining option when other restaurants are closed.
The comfortable ambience of angkringan stalls provides a distinct experience for customers, making them feel at home and wanting to stay longer. In addition, the affordable prices of the food and drinks are a significant factor in attracting customers and making angkringan stalls stand out. These stalls can also serve as a place for nighttime entertainment and socializing.
The practical aspect of angkringan stalls allows customers to immediately order and receive their meals. The menus are typically simple and prepared in advance, so customers can expect a relatively short wait time. The vendor will reheat the ordered food, ensuring that it remains warm and tasty.
The concept of angkringan is similar to that of a fast food restaurant. Therefore, it can be considered as an authentic Indonesian fast food due to its long-standing existence and Indonesian menu.
As the culinary industry continues to grow and gain popularity, angkringan should be given more attention. It is a significant aspect of the culinary world, which has become a major attraction in the tourism industry.
Tourists who visit an area not only enjoy the tourist attractions, but also seek to savor the local culinary specialties, which is commonly known as culinary tourism.
Typically, angkringan stalls are situated on the roadside with simple and basic facilities, and may not have the best hygiene conditions, such as washing equipment with non-flowing water in a bucket. Some angkringan stalls are located in crowded areas, thus it is crucial to maintain order to ensure comfort for both the customers and the general public.
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